March Calendar at FCMoD!

We’ve got many great opportunities to come engage at FCMoD this month. Click the links below for specific dates and times. Here’s a quick round up:

  • We still have slots open for our Museum Explorers Spring Break Camp happening March 17th-21st.
    Museum Explorers Camp provides a behind-the-scenes, all-access pass to everything at FCMoD. Campers will have opportunities for a hands-on exploration of music, live animals, science, local history, and more all while making friends and having fun. Each day we will dive into several activities designed to engage kids’ curiosity and creativity.
  • Our Monthly Member Night theme for March is “Equinox” taking place on March 21st. Members are encouraged to bring their friends – and come space out for the spring equinox.
  • Tickets are still available for the “Diva Dance Party: Featuring the Music of Beyoncé” on March 28th. Check out your favorite Beyoncé tracks in full surround sound paired with mind-melting overhead projections in the Otterbox Digital Dome.

Our Black-footed Ferret Feedings happen the first and third Saturday of every month starting at 9:30 am. At 10am on the second and fourth Saturday every month you can Meet the Animals in our live animal exhibits. Every Saturday at 1pm you can stop by for “Tonight’s Sky” a live presenter Planetarium Show exploring what planets and constellations we’ll see in our region this month. And as always, we’ve got Dome Shows six days a week in the Otterbox Digital Dome Theater all month long.

It’s a great time to come visit the museum!

  • Event dates and times are subject to change, please check our museum calendar for the most up-to-date information.
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Skin & Bias

We are incredibly excited to present two amazing special exhibitions this fall and winter as we bring you Skin: Living Armor, Evolving Identity (Oct 12, 2024 – January 26, 2025) and The Bias Inside Us (November 27th – December 31st). Both exhibits are designed to spark dialogue and reflection on human culture and identity through science and history.   beginning with Skin which explores the physical, historical, and cultural elements of the human body’s largest organ.

From questions like “what’s a rhino’s horn made from?” (hint: it’s the same protein that makes up human hair and nails – keratin!) to an exploration of how geography and climate have impacted the evolution of skin pigmentation, this engaging exhibit will inspire you to reconsider everything from what’s in the dust in your home to the way you see the world. FCMoD hopes you’ll take home a deeper understanding of our shared humanity and recognize that we – as humans – are more alike than we are different. This installation is presented in both English and Spanish.


Skin: Living Armor, Evolving Identity was created by the California Academy of Sciences and modified for travel and distributed by the Science Museum of Minnesota.


On November 27th, The Bias Inside Us will take its place alongside Skin as we explore how the human mind’s chemistry can lead us to a place of inherent bias. This community engagement project from the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) will raise awareness about the social science and psychology of implicit bias, the impact of this bias and what people can do about it. This exhibit is brought to you in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services (SITES).


Both these exhibits are free for Members and included with the price of admission. If you enjoy this kind of programming, we encourage you to make a donation through our Give More campaign which helps create access for community members experiencing economic need.


We look forward to bringing these fascinating and thought-provoking exhibits to you!

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Beyond Discovery

Ever tried putt-putt golfing on the moon? Think you can chip shot from a three-story roof into a bucket? Join us on September 13th for our Beyond Discovery Benefit: Teeing up Discovery for All! This year’s proceeds will go toward creating access for ALL community members. Your contribution helps families experiencing economic need enjoy all the museum has to offer at free or reduced rates. Everyone benefits from access for all – please join us for an evening of fun!

This year we’re bringing back nine holes of museum gallery putt-putt golf, the rooftop chip shot competition, live music, dancing, food and adult beverages courtesy of an open bar. In a nod toward the archive’s 50th anniversary, we encourage 1970’s attire (golf or otherwise) and flair!

Thanks for your support!

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Human Library

Unjudge someone – join us for The Human Library on August 4th here at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. From overcoming addiction to confronting racism, 32 Books from our community will share their stories with you, the Readers. Now in its second year in Fort Collins, The Human Library creates a welcoming environment for people to listen, learn, and connect with one another. The goal is to create greater empathy and understanding through a positive dialogue that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices. The Human Library started as a Danish project in 2000, and there are now 80 events every year, worldwide. This year’s program is focused once again on “Being Me in Fort Collins”. We are honored to help facilitate this powerful event with our partners, Poudre River Public Library District, the City of Fort Collins Equity & Inclusion Office, the City of Fort Collins Human Relations Commission, Larimer County Behavioral Health Services, and the Yarrow Collective.


Desjuzga a alguien – Acompáñenos en la Biblioteca Humana el 4 de agosto aquí en el Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. Desde superar la adicción hasta enfrentar el racismo, 32 Libros de nuestra comunidad compartirán sus historias con ustedes, los Lectores. Ahora en su segundo año en Fort Collins, la Biblioteca Humana crea un entorno acogedor para que las personas escuchen, aprendan y se conecten entre sí. El objetivo es fomentar una mayor empatía y comprensión a través de un diálogo positivo que pueda desafiar los estereotipos y prejuicios. La Biblioteca Humana comenzó como un proyecto danés en el año 2000. Hoy en día se realizan 80 eventos cada año por todo el mundo. El programa de este año se enfoca nuevamente en “Siendo yo en Fort Collins”. Nos sentimos honrados de ayudar a facilitar este poderoso evento con nuestros socios, el Distrito de Bibliotecas Públicas de Poudre River, la Oficina de Equidad e Inclusión de la Ciudad de Fort Collins, la Comisión de Relaciones Humanas de la Ciudad de Fort Collins, los Servicios de Salud del Comportamiento, del Condado de Larimer, y el “Yarrow Collective”.


Visítenos aquí para inscribirse y obtener más información

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We are days away from Fort Collins’ favorite local music festival, FoCoMX! With over 350 Colorado bands performing on 30 stages, it is impossible not to wonder what goes on behind the scenes. This year, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery has the support of the youth advisory board known as the FCMoD Squad to help run three unique stages: The Launchpad, The Learning Labs, and The Otterbox Digital Dome Theater.

The MoD Squad consists of individuals ages 15-19 from across the Front Range. Squad members meet twice a month at the museum for a one-year period. During that time, they actively engage the community in a variety of ways, including reviewing applications for the Sonic Spotlight Showcase, participating in college level presentations and discussions, emceeing concerts, and much more. This year, MoD Squad members will also be helping out behind the scenes of FoCoMX at the museum.

Months ago, Squad members got a sneak peek into the FoCoMX application process. After intently looking over applications from a variety of different bands, MoD Squad had the opportunity to weigh in on which bands would thrive on FCMoD stages. Now, after becoming these bands’ newest fans, Squad members will help ensure the success of the festival by supporting backstage.

Want to see the MoD Squad in action? We’ve got you covered. Thanks to Visit Fort Collins, admission to the museum is FREE on Saturday, April 20th. Add Fort Collins Museum of Discovery to your 2024 FoCoMX schedule and don’t forget to say hello to the Squad!

Poster Design by: Elijah Brady

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Cafecito con Vlad Episode One (feat. Ben Griswold)

Welcome to Cafecito con Vlad, with your host, Vlad Lora Pardo. Vlad is a former ModSquad member and current ¡Alebrijes! fellow. Working closely alongside the iAlebrijes! artists, staff, and volunteers, Vlad provides a unique perspective into the exhibit and its impact on the local community. Come along as Vlad interviews the people behind our new iAlebrijes! Exhibit. 

In this episode, Vlad has a conversation with Ben Griswold, FCMoD’s Senior Manager of Content, Engagement, and Experience. This week, we’re diving into the team’s vision behind the ¡Alebrijes! exhibit, as well as some of the challenges faced along the way. Join us this Thursday, April 4th to check out the giant Alebrije installment created by our artists in residency, Óscar Becerra Mora and Rubén Miguel. 

Listen to the Podcast:

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4 Tips To Boost Your Field Trip Experience at FCMoD

Field trips at Fort Collins Museum of Discovery are special and memorable for all ages, and a great way to positively impact students and their learning experiences. Here are some things we thought of to help boost your field trip experience at FCMoD:

  • Find the best time to visit. Finding the best time to visit can make all the difference. If you’re visiting to support your curriculum, consider booking your visit 1-2 weeks before or after your unit to help students feel most connected. If you’re hoping to have lunch outside, experience nearby trails and parks, or visit nearby museums and restaurants in Downtown Fort Collins, you might want to keep seasonal weather in mind. FCMoD asks for reservation requests at least two weeks in advance and works with educators and group leaders to explore availability and itinerary options. Booking your field trip well in advance can help give you more peace of mind and time to plan a more memorable experience for your group.
  • Embrace the exploration expectations. FCMoD field trips give groups the experience of limitless discovery and help promote a stronger, accessible connection to history, science, culture, and community. To help ensure that this experience is the most fun, engaging, educational and safe for all, we encourage groups to review a few expectations before their visit. By embracing these exploration expectations before and during their field trip, students can take pride in being respectful of each other and their surroundings, while helping us preserve history, science, and culture in Colorado.
  • Access the Archive, Special Exhibits, and more. Before making your field trip request, check out the Dome Show schedule, Special Exhibits, the Archive & Collections and more. All of these can be included in the group rate to boost your field trip experience at FCMoD – whether your group is studying space, wildlife, music and sound, or local and regional history, including an immersive, hands-on, or behind-the-scenes experience can really help keep students excited and engaged. Did you know we have 4 new exhibits coming in 2024 and 2025? Ask about shows, tours and floor program availability when submitting your field trip request.
  • Plan some activities and learning tools. Field trips at FCMoD are intentionally self-guided to encourage limitless discovery, exploration, and reflection. That said, the Gallery offers a fresh canvas for educators and group leaders to get creative with how to best engage their students with curricular and extra-curricular goals in mind. Maybe a scavenger hunt connecting what you’re learning in the classroom to artifacts on display? How about museum bingo, to help ensure maximum engagement during visitation? Maybe a field note worksheet, asking students to reflect on their experiences? Options are endless, and we love ideas! To help plan and prepare any activities, educators and group leads are invited to request a complimentary guest pass when booking their field trip so they can tour the gallery floor before visiting.

Don’t delay! FCMoD’s spring field trip season is filling fast, and we’re now booking field trips and camps for the summer. To learn more about group visits and field trips at FCMoD, visit our Group Visits page. When you’re ready to request a visit, please submit this online reservation form. For questions about Group Visits, please contact

img credit: City of Fort Collins Flickr

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What’s Going On @ FCMoD: February

Whether you’re a member or first-time visitor, every month at FCMoD is jam-packed with limitless discovery! Here’s some fun you can look forward to at FCMoD in February: 

2/1: Membership Relaunch – in case you missed it, we rolled out all new membership levels to help simplify your experience and better connect you to all the benefits of being a member! To learn more about pricing, benefits and new programs, please visit explore membership preview. 

2/9, 7-9:30am: 17th Annual Winter Bike To Work (or Wherever) Day Fort Collins’ 17th Annual Winter Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day is almost here! Join 48 stations, hosted by over 100 local businesses and organizations (including FCMoD!), all around Fort Collins for free breakfast, comradery, and two-wheeled fun before and after work. Swing by FCMoD at the corner of Cherry & Mason Streets for some healthy snacks and a chance to win free passes and an Explore 5 Membership! 

2/16, 5-8pm: Monthly Member Nightone of our newest Member perks, FCMoD is extending operating hours to host “Monthly Member Nights” on the third Friday of every month! Join us from 5 – 8 PM and enjoy all that the museum has to offer, exclusively for members, after hours. Not a member yet? Become a member today! 

2/21, 6-9pm: Music Industry Nightcalling all musicians, promoters, music lovers and more, Music Industry Night is a regular peer-to-peer evening hosted by FCMoD and Fort Collins Musicians Association for the music community of Northern Colorado to safely connect, find resources, and have fun. Enjoy free dinner by provided by Music City Hot Chicken and join Jamaal “Boss Eagle” Curry for a hands-on workshop on leveling-up your online merch store in time for FoCoMX.  

Every 2nd & 4th Saturday, 10am-12pm: Meet the Animals – join us in our Animal Encounters exhibit and discover some amazing creatures we share this planet with. Animals of all kinds from creepy crawlies, wet and slimy, to soft and furry. Don’t miss out on making a new animal friend! 

Every 1st & 3rd Saturday, 10am-12pm: Ferret Feeding – join us in our Natural Areas Exhibit to learn about the conservation work being done to return black-footed ferrets to the wild, from the national captive breeding program to new advances in cloning. Meet our black-footed ferrets, Dude and Churro, and watch as our furry friends tear into their weekend meal.  

We hope to see you at FCMoD this February – and don’t forget to check our calendar regularly for Dome Shows, Floor Programs, and new events!  

Image Credit: City of Fort Collins

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Hey There New and Renewing FCMoD Members

We’ve got exciting news! Starting on February 1, 2024, we’ll be rolling out all new membership levels to help simplify your experience and better connect you to all the benefits of being a member. Our new Explore 2, Explore 5 and Explore 8 levels of membership will get you:

  • a year’s worth of unlimited gallery access
  • admission to three free special touring exhibitions in 2024
  • discounted admission to the Otterbox Digital Dome Theater
  • discounts in the Museum Café, Store and on birthday rentals
  • access to hundreds of ASTC museums worldwide
  • access to 11 History Colorado Sites and Museums
  • subscription to newsletters and member updates

For those looking for the deepest connection to YOUR museum you can level up with an Explore More Add On which gets you all of the above plus:

  •  access to hundreds of North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM)
  • early Registration for programs and workshops
  • free Admission to Daily Dome shows and Weekend Music Shows
  • Meet & Greet Behind the Scenes tour with Executive Directors

It’s a brave new era for Members here at FCMoD – come explore more!!

To learn more about pricing, benefits and new programs please see our membership page

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