It’s the Archive’s 50th Birthday!

Come celebrate with a FREE Archive presentation in the Otterbox Digital Dome Theater on Thursday, September 26th from 7:00-8:00pm.

The Burning of Old Main. The Elks Lodge explosion. The launch of the Foothills Fashion Mall. Fort Collins has a rich cultural history, and the Archive at FCMoD holds many stories, secrets and surprises.

The Fort Collins Local History Archive was born in 1974 with an oral history project dedicated to recording the memories and lived experiences of 78 longtime Fort Collins community members. This project became the genesis of the Archive at FCMoD, a free, public resource that has grown to house over 500 oral histories, 200,000 local photographs, and thousands of maps, yearbooks, newspapers, and more historical treasures that help tell the story of our community.

Help us celebrate 50 years of preserving and sharing these resources with a special FREE presentation in the Digital Dome at 7:00pm on Thursday, September 26. Archive staff will share audio recordings, images, and personal memories from the oral history project that started it all, along with a groovy visual tour of Fort Collins images and events from the 1970s.

Finally, step back into the ‘70s with a period room (complete with orange shag carpet!) set up right outside the Archive in the Museum lobby. It’s highly Instagram-able – or even polaroid-able if you’re so inclined!

Please don’t forget to REGISTER for this Free event.

Far out – we’ll see you here!