Post written by Lesley Struc, Curator of the Archive.

What does it mean, as a museum, to collect?

Here at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, in accordance with our mission, we collect materials that illustrate the history and culture of the people and environments of the Fort Collins area and the Cache La Poudre Valley, or that are representative of a regional or national trend of which Fort Collins was or is a part. To collect responsibly means to not only gather and preserve these materials, but to make them accessible for researchers and the general public at the Museum, and digitally through the Fort Collins History Connection website. Our collecting guidelines and ways to donate can be viewed here.

[store advertisement c. 1878]

[firefighter’s helmet damaged in the State Dry Goods fire of 1965]

History is not just what happened “long ago.” Each day we experience is another day of history, and at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery we are actively collecting many different types of materials to reflect the experience of our shared community. This includes collecting contemporary materials related to COVID-19. You can assist in this specific effort here.

We are also actively collecting material from local Black Lives Matter protests. We are committed to inclusivity, diversity, and equity at FCMoD. Our goal is to preserve materials that reflect the diversity of experiences lived in Fort Collins, and collecting this material is just one way we plan to act on this commitment.


[photos of BLM materials with explanatory captions]

Community members like you are the essential element that brings these efforts together, and we want to hear from you. If you have stories, objects, photos, videos, ephemera, or other materials you would like to share with FCMoD, please contact our curators.

Local history lives here. Like us on Facebook to see more historical images and artifacts. Archival images are available for research, purchase, and more through the online Fort Collins History Connection website.