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November 2020

Science, History, Teens, Adults

November 18

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Discovery Live: Ask an Expert!

Explore your world with Discovery Live: Ask an Expert! Tune in to hear from a variety of guest experts, ask questions, and discover science, history, and art happening in your own backyard!

This week, join FCMoD as panelists from Heart-Centered Counseling tell us “Everything you ever wanted to know about therapy…but were afraid to ask!” How do I know if I need therapy? What can I expect from a therapy session? What do therapists hope clients get from the therapy experience? Who are these therapists anyway? Does therapy really work? You’ll get honest answers, even to the funniest of questions (yes, we’ve even been asked, “What if I have to pee during a session?”)

Presented in partnership with Heart-Centered Counseling. This virtual lecture series is hosted live on FCMoD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch here live on Wednesday, November 18th:

Science, History, Adults

November 24

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Parenting in a Pandemic

Are you a parent of a young child? Feeling overwhelmed with COVID, remote learning, challenging behaviors, and everything else? We hear you, and trust us, you’re not alone.

Designed to run alongside the Mind Matters exhibit, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery has teamed up with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County to create a place for parents and caregivers to connect, share stories, and learn from local experts.


Music, All Ages

November 28

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Meet the Guitar Virtual Workshop

Is your guitar gathering dust in a closet? Looking for a place to start? Join us for an introduction to the guitar. Explore the history behind the instrument, discover how to best care for your guitar, learn chords and strumming patterns, and start your guitar journey!

Registration closes 30 minutes before the program starts. Instruction for this workshop will take place live on Zoom on November 28th. A packet will be sent to the provided email upon registration. Zoom link and additional information packet will be emailed to you the day of the program. We ask that you provide your own Guitar.

Cost: Tickets for this program are available with a pay what you can model! Whatever your budget, we want you to participate fully and comfortably. Your support makes a big difference for our nonprofit museum during these unprecedented times. Thank you for your consideration!

Ages: Open to all ages; designed for ages 10+. Younger participants may require parent supervision and assistance.

December 2020

Music, Science, History, Teens, Adults

December 2

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Discovery Live: Ask an Expert / Descubrimiento en vivo: Pregúntale a un experto

Explore your world with Discovery Live: Ask an Expert! Tune in to hear from a variety of guest experts, ask questions, and discover science, history, and art happening in your own backyard!

This week, join FCMoD as teen panelists from Poudre High School’s Ambassadors – a student mentoring program – share their experiences around mental health. What are some of the main mental health issues affecting teens, and what does self-care look like? How are teens supporting the mental health of others as peers? How has COVID impacted your mental health? What are some of the stigmas around mental health that you see, and how do you combat that? Tune in to ask these questions, or one of your own, as we break down the stigma around mental health!

This event includes two panels, one presented in Spanish and one presented in English.

Presented in partnership with Poudre High School’s Ambassador Program. This virtual lecture series is hosted live on FCMoD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch here live on Wednesday, December 2nd:


Explora tu mundo con “Descubrimiento en vivo: Pregúntale a un experto”. Únete al Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins (FCMoD) durante este evento gratuito para escuchar a una gran variedad de invitados especiales expertos en todo tipo de temas, en donde podrás hacer preguntas y descubrir la ciencia, la historia y el arte que ocurren constantemente a tu alrededor.

Durante esta semana, tendremos como panelistas a adolescentes y jóvenes miembros de “Poudre High School’s Ambassadors”, el cual es un programa de asesoría y apoyo para estudiantes. Durante este evento presentado en línea, compartirán sus experiencias en torno a un tema de gran importancia: la salud mental. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los principales problemas de salud mental que afectan a los adolescentes y jóvenes, y cómo están encontrando soluciones a ellos? ¿Cómo apoyan su salud mental entre compañeros y amigos? ¿De qué formas el COVID ha afectado su salud mental? ¿Cuáles son algunos de los estigmas en cuanto a este tema, y cómo se combaten?

Este evento incluye dos paneles; uno presentado en español y otro en inglés.

Únete a nosotros para hacer preguntas y escuchar respuestas mientras eliminamos los estigmas y malentendidos que existen en torno a la salud mental.

Ver aquí en vivo el miércoles 2 de diciembre:


Science, History, Adults

December 8

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Siendo padres de familia durante una pandemia

¿Eres madre o padre de algún niño pequeño? ¿Te sientes agobiada/o con los retos que presenta el COVID durante el aprendizaje remoto, o con comportamientos difíciles de manejar, o con todo lo que implica ser padre de familia durante estos tiempos? No estás sola/o.

Con la idea de tomar acciones en conjunto con nuestra exhibición especial Salud mental: Asuntos de la mente, el Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins, con la ayuda del Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer (Early Childhood Council of Larimer County), se transforma en un lugar donde padres de familia y tutores puedan conectarse, compartir historias y aprender de la experiencia de especialistas localizados en nuestra área.

Estas reuniones virtuales serán facilitadas por la Dra. Buffy Trent Wolf, psicóloga y experta en salud mental infantil. Durante estas sesiones, la doctora proporcionará información, recursos y herramientas sobre factores estresantes comunes causado por COVID que están impactando a adultos y a niños por igual. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de conectar con otras familias en el área que están actualmente experimentando desafíos similares, además de celebrar también todos los triunfos por más pequeños que sean.

Se ofrecerán dos reuniones cada mes, una en inglés y otra en español, durante las siguientes fechas:

Martes, 24 de noviembre, 2020 (en inglés)
Martes, 22 de diciembre, 2020 (en inglés) El plazo de inscripción se cierra el sábado, 19 de diciembre a las 10 a.m. MST
Martes, 19 de enero, 2021 (en inglés) El plazo de inscripción se cierra el sábado, 16 de enero a las 10 a.m. MST

Martes, 10 de noviembre, 2020 (en español)
Martes, 8 de diciembre, 2020 (en español) CANCELADO
Martes, 5 de enero, 2021 (en español) CANCELADO

Presentado en colaboración con el Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer (Early Childhood Council of Larimer County). Este programa se compone de una serie de reuniones virtuales y provee un espacio donde familias puedan conectarse unas con otras, así como aprender y compartir recursos. Tu participación en este programa es completamente gratuita, pero el espacio es limitado. Te agradeceríamos mucho si haces tu reservación anticipadamente. Después de registrarte, te enviaremos un enlace de Zoom por correo electrónico.

¿Tienes preguntas? Contacta a Madison Lee del Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins: malee@fcmod.org y/o a Liz Means del Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer: lmeans@ecclc.org.

Are you a parent of a young child? Feeling overwhelmed with COVID, remote learning, challenging behaviors, and everything else? We hear you, and trust us, you’re not alone.

Designed to run alongside the Mind Matters exhibit, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery has teamed up with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County to create a place for parents and caregivers to connect, share stories, and learn from local experts.

These virtual gatherings will be facilitated by Dr. Buffy Trent Wolf, a psychologist and early childhood mental health expert who will provide information, resources and tools about common COVID-related stressors impacting caregivers and children. Participants will also have a chance to connect with other local families going through similar challenges, and to celebrate even the smallest successes.

There will be two meetups offered each month, one in English and one in Spanish:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 (ENGLISH)
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 (ENGLISH) Registration closes on Saturday, 12/19 at 10 a.m. MST
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 (ENGLISH) Registration closes on Saturday, 1/16 at 10 a.m. MST

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 (SPANISH)
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 (SPANISH) CANCELED
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 (SPANISH) CANCELED

Presented in partnership with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County. This program is a virtual meeting series providing local caregivers with a place to connect, learn and share resources. Participation in these meetings is completely free of charge, but space is limited; please register to reserve your spot. Zoom link to attend will be emailed after registration. Questions? Please contact Madison Lee at Fort Collins Museum of Discovery: malee@fcmod.org and Liz Means at Early Childhood Council of Larimer County: lmeans@ecclc.org

Music, All Ages

December 9

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Discovery Live: Ask an Expert!

Explore your world with Discovery Live: Ask a Music Therapist! Tune in to hear from a variety of guest experts, ask questions, and discover science, history, and art happening in your own backyard. This week, join FCMoD as panelists from Sound Well Music Therapy, Faith Halverson- Ramos and fellow professional Anastasia Canfield chat about Music Therapy and its benefits.

What is music therapy? Who can benefit from it? What does it take to become a licensed Music Therapist? How is listening to music that helps me different from music therapy? Do you need to know how to play an instrument to participate in music therapy?

Presented in partnership with Sound Well Music Therapy. This virtual lecture series is hosted live on FCMoD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch here live on Wednesday, December 9th:


December 12

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Virtual Book Signing: Biology Everywhere

Join us for a free, interactive virtual book signing with Dr. Melanie Peffer, author of “Biology Everywhere”, where we will explore topics from Dr. Peffer’s book such as the biology of how we experience music, how art influences one of the greatest discoveries in neuroscience, and music therapy in relation to our current special exhibition Mental Health: Mind Matters.

Books will be available for purchase through the Museum Store at www.fcmod.org/store.

Register here.

About Biology Everywhere: “Biology Everywhere” is an overview of biology through the lens of our everyday experience. It is written for the general public, but could be a good alternative text in the biology classroom. “Biology Everywhere” covers many of the topics in an introductory biology course, in addition to several unique interdisciplinary topics including psychology and biology, biology and the arts, and business and biology. Where have you experienced biology today? Dive in and take a look! What you find may surprise you. Learn more at biologyeverywhere.com

Science, Teens, Adults

December 16

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Discovery Live: Ask an Expert!

Explore your world with Discovery Live: Ask an Expert! Tune in to hear from a variety of guest experts, ask questions, and discover science, history, and art happening in your own backyard! This week, join FCMoD as panelists from SummitStone Health Partners host a Mythbusters-style conversation about mental health crisis and treatment. What are some signs of mental health crisis in a loved one? How do you know if you’re in crisis yourself? What actually happens when you seek help or treatment? What can you do to advocate for yourself or someone you care for? Tune in to ask these questions, or one of your own, as we break down the stigma around mental health!

Presented in partnership with SummitStone Health Partners. This virtual lecture series is hosted live on FCMoD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch here live on Wednesday, December 16th:

January 2021

Science, History, Adults

January 5

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Siendo padres de familia durante una pandemia

¿Eres madre o padre de algún niño pequeño? ¿Te sientes agobiada/o con los retos que presenta el COVID durante el aprendizaje remoto, o con comportamientos difíciles de manejar, o con todo lo que implica ser padre de familia durante estos tiempos? No estás sola/o.

Con la idea de tomar acciones en conjunto con nuestra exhibición especial Salud mental: Asuntos de la mente, el Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins, con la ayuda del Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer (Early Childhood Council of Larimer County), se transforma en un lugar donde padres de familia y tutores puedan conectarse, compartir historias y aprender de la experiencia de especialistas localizados en nuestra área.

Estas reuniones virtuales serán facilitadas por la Dra. Buffy Trent Wolf, psicóloga y experta en salud mental infantil. Durante estas sesiones, la doctora proporcionará información, recursos y herramientas sobre factores estresantes comunes causado por COVID que están impactando a adultos y a niños por igual. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de conectar con otras familias en el área que están actualmente experimentando desafíos similares, además de celebrar también todos los triunfos por más pequeños que sean.

Se ofrecerán dos reuniones cada mes, una en inglés y otra en español, durante las siguientes fechas:

Martes, 24 de noviembre, 2020 (en inglés)
Martes, 22 de diciembre, 2020 (en inglés) El plazo de inscripción se cierra el sábado, 19 de diciembre a las 10 a.m. MST
Martes, 19 de enero, 2021 (en inglés) El plazo de inscripción se cierra el sábado, 16 de enero a las 10 a.m. MST

Martes, 10 de noviembre, 2020 (en español)
Martes, 8 de diciembre, 2020 (en español) CANCELADO
Martes, 5 de enero, 2021 (en español) El plazo de inscripción se cierra el sábado, 2 de enero a las 10 a.m. MST

Presentado en colaboración con el Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer (Early Childhood Council of Larimer County). Este programa se compone de una serie de reuniones virtuales y provee un espacio donde familias puedan conectarse unas con otras, así como aprender y compartir recursos. Tu participación en este programa es completamente gratuita, pero el espacio es limitado. Te agradeceríamos mucho si haces tu reservación anticipadamente. Después de registrarte, te enviaremos un enlace de Zoom por correo electrónico.

¿Tienes preguntas? Contacta a Madison Lee del Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins: malee@fcmod.org y/o a Liz Means del Consejo Infantil del Condado de Larimer: lmeans@ecclc.org.

Are you a parent of a young child? Feeling overwhelmed with COVID, remote learning, challenging behaviors, and everything else? We hear you, and trust us, you’re not alone.

Designed to run alongside the Mind Matters exhibit, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery has teamed up with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County to create a place for parents and caregivers to connect, share stories, and learn from local experts.

These virtual gatherings will be facilitated by Dr. Buffy Trent Wolf, a psychologist and early childhood mental health expert who will provide information, resources and tools about common COVID-related stressors impacting caregivers and children. Participants will also have a chance to connect with other local families going through similar challenges, and to celebrate even the smallest successes.

There will be two meetups offered each month, one in English and one in Spanish:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 (ENGLISH)
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 (ENGLISH) Registration closes on Saturday, 12/19 at 10 a.m. MST
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 (ENGLISH) Registration closes on Saturday, 1/16 at 10 a.m. MST

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 (SPANISH)
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 (SPANISH) CANCELED
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 (SPANISH) Registration closes on Saturday, 1/2 at 10 a.m. MST

Presented in partnership with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County. This program is a virtual meeting series providing local caregivers with a place to connect, learn and share resources. Participation in these meetings is completely free of charge, but space is limited; please register to reserve your spot. Zoom link to attend will be emailed after registration. Questions? Please contact Madison Lee at Fort Collins Museum of Discovery: malee@fcmod.org and Liz Means at Early Childhood Council of Larimer County: lmeans@ecclc.org

Music, All Ages

January 16

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Meet the Guitar Workshop

Is your guitar gathering dust in a closet? Looking for a place to start? Join us for an introduction to the guitar. Explore the history behind the instrument, discover how to best care for your guitar, learn chords and strumming patterns, and start your guitar journey!

Registration closes 30 minutes before the program starts. Instruction for this workshop will take place live on Zoom on January 16th. A packet will be sent to the provided email upon registration. Zoom link and additional information packet will be emailed to you the day of the program. We ask that you provide your own Guitar.

Cost: Tickets for this program are available with a pay what you can model! Whatever your budget, we want you to participate fully and comfortably. Your support makes a big difference for our nonprofit museum during these unprecedented times. Thank you for your consideration!

Ages: Open to all ages; designed for ages 10+. Younger participants may require parent supervision and assistance.

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