Mental health impacts us all
When it comes to health, your mind matters just as much as your physical well-being. The Mental Health: Mind Matters exhibit uses hands-on experiences and multimedia activities to raise awareness about mental health and create a safe space for important conversations about mental illness.

- Use full-body activities to learn how to recognize and express emotions
- Hear what it’s like to live inside someone else’s head
- Write down your worries and destroy them in the Worry Shredder
- Play a quiz show to test your knowledge of mental illnesses

- Peer back in time to important moments in mental health history
- Listen to people just like you share their personal experiences living with mental illness
- Discover how the words you use can help stop stigma and support healing
- Go deeper at our comprehensive mental health resource center

Mental Health: Mind Matters does an excellent job of normalizing the conversation around mental health. The best things we can do as a community to address these issues are to realize that they impact almost all of us and to talk openly about them. This exhibit helps open the door for all of us to have a conversation, and that could be exactly what someone who is struggling with their mental health needs.”
Brian Ferrans, Community Risk Reduction & Outreach Manager, Poudre Fire Authority
Healing begins with talking about mental health

Mental illness can happen to anyone.
Here in Larimer County, 41,000 of our neighbors have a diagnosed mental illness, and 1 in 5 residents deals with untreated behavioral health issues every day.
One conversation can make all the difference.
Mental illnesses are real, common and treatable. The more we know, the more we can raise awareness about mental health, develop empathy, banish stigma and help ourselves and each other.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health issue, the information and understanding gained from this exhibit will make it easier to talk about and seek support, together as a community.”
MJ Jorgensen, Community Impact Team, Health District of Northern Larimer County
Mental Health: Mind Matters was produced by the Science Museum of Minnesota with Heureka, The Finnish Science Centre and their partners, Ciencia Viva and Cite des Sciences & L’industrie. Special thanks to our local partners and sponsors for helping bring Mind Matters to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery:
Presenting Sponsor

Additional Support Provided by

Programmatic and Outreach Partners
- Health District of Northern Larimer County
- Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County
- Imagine Zero
- Poudre School District
- The Child Trauma and Resilience Assessment Center at Colorado State University
- CSU Department of Human Development and Family Services
- Early Childhood Council of Larimer County
- The Willow Collective
- SummitStone Health Partners
- FoCoMA (Fort Collins Musicians Association)
- Music Minds Matters
- City of Fort Collins Natural Areas
- LifeStance Health
- Poudre River Public Library District
- The Family Center/La Familia