Storytime Adventures
Available Tuesdays/Fridays
Program length: 45 minutes
Cost: $6 per student
Group size (including chaperones): 80 visitors
Available books noted below.

Tucked in pouches, gripped in teeth, propped on backs, or underneath – these are just some of the clever ways animals carry their babies. How did someone carry you?
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 2
Step back in time and follow dinosaur tracks around the world! What dinosaurs made the tracks and what can we learn about them? Follow in their footsteps!
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 2
Dinosaurs are like treasures buried in the earth! Scientists “dig” their secrets, and you will too as we meet the amazing and wonderful creatures that lived in those long-ago times and uncover the clues they left behind!
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 2
Honey is a sweet gift from nature – ALL of nature, actually! Bees are only the beginning as we journey through the intertwining natural world around us. From the golden honey on bread to the earthworms crawling underground, children will discover how all of nature is connected!
Recommended for Grade 1 – 2
Take a trip to the farm where pigs roll, goats nibble, horses gallop and turkeys strut! This interactive story allows children to practice counting and identify animals while having fun on the farm.
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 1
On the wide open prairie, animals abound! From tiny insects to majestic bison, this story will help children understand the interconnectedness of plants and animals as they explore one of the most endangered ecological systems in the world.
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 2
Was that a raindrop that fell on your head? Where did it come from? Where is it going? Find out as Pitter and Patter will take you on a journey through the water cycle! Tumble from the sky, careen off a leaf, and plunge into a stream as you travel to an underground cave! Follow along and meet all the animals and plants that depend on our precious water!
Recommended for Pre-K – Grade 2